
the six month atha mentorship program from september 2024 - april 2025 is in process currently
atha mentorship program for consistent practitioners in our community.


intro to ashtanga yoga w/ timothy
@ green yogi in berkeley, ca (telegraph ave)
saturday, june 15th, 2024 - 1:30 - 3:30p
sign up here

In this workshop we will demystify Ashtanga Yoga. We will outline a brief general history of the roots of Ashtanga and how it is, in essence, the springboard for most of what we call “vinyasa” classes these days. We’ll talk about the main tenants and focal points of the practice, describe the difference between Mysore style and led class, and discuss the benefits of a portable self practice. We’ll explore the intention of the primary series (yoga chikitsa or yoga therapy), and most importantly, we’ll do some practice together. The experiential piece is crucial to correct knowledge and an integrated understanding. Timothy will also likely share some funny stories from his own experiences of his many years of dedicated practice and study.

This workshop is for anyone who has curiosity about Ashtanga. It is for all experience levels. All bodies are embraced and welcome. We will allow time for questions and answers.

Tickets: $45.

sign up here

timothy is a global ambassador for Yoga Gives Back and atha will be hosting its first fundraising event for this wonderful organization that’s been working hard to bring balance to some of the inequities in indian life and culture by empowering women and children through their programs and fundraising. please join us!

Yoga Gives Back fundraising class
sunday, june 2, 2024
@ atha in berkeley, ca
6:30 - 7:30a - pranayama + shanti mantra chanting - chant sheets will be provided
7:30 - 8a - led ashtanga through the standing postures
8 - 9a - continue w/ self practice, mysore style
9a - chai and gathering
suggested: $20 - $50 (any offering welcome)
contribute through venmo to
timothy-lynch-91946 and put “yoga gives back” in notes
ALL proceeds go to Yoga Gives Back

berkeley, ca
saturday september 16th, 2023

9 - 11am
sliding scale available. contact
10 person capacity. 

@ bodhi tree in nosara, costa rica - 2 sessions
session 1: wednesday sept 27, 11am - 1pm
session 2: thursday sept 28, 11am - 1pm
session 2 will build on session 1. participants may attend session 1 only or both sessions 1 and 2.
more details soon.

this workshop will be a part of a series of workshops offered at atha. it is suitable for all! this course will be a prerequisite for the two courses that follow. 

we will take a look at some foundational aspects of ashtanga vinyasa yoga using different lenses. through movement and discussion we’ll work towards building a greater understanding of the relationship between stillness and activity, strength/stability and softness/ease, pranic (upward) and apanic (downward) forces, the inhale and exhale, etc. we’ll explore creating foundations through our bases and bandhas that stabilize and therefore support the dynamism of the practice. we’ll pinpoint specific relationships where the illusion of opposition exists, but where in reality, there’s a much more nuanced dance at play where interdependent qualities are masked as opposites. all are welcome! 

from our 2023 mysore intensive in nosara, costa rica with casa ashtanga nosara

mysore intensive in nosara, costa rica. july 30 - august 11th, 2023

- sunday - friday mysore classes 7am - 9am
- satsang (community gathering and discussion) each sunday - thursday 4 - 5pm. we will work through and discuss the 5 kleśas over the duration of the two weeks. week 1 we will work with avidyā ( (ignorance) and asmitā (ego identification). week 2 we will move to rāga and dveṣa (attachment and aversion) and abhiniveśa (clinging to life). after these sessions, all are welcome to honor the sunset over the beach to close the day.
- welcome breakfast each sunday after practice
- during the intensive there is one moon day (wed. august 1) on that day, led pranayama sessions will be offered in the place of mysore practice.
the shala
our beautiful outdoor shala is located at nosara blue in the playa pelada area. it’s about a ten minute walk from a beautiful beach with the same name, and steps away from a sweet coffee shop, a grocery store, and several restaurants. playa pelada is just north of guiones, a busier area with shops, restaurants, and a long stretch of beach.

ashtanga intensive in nosara, costa rica
august 21 - 26th 2022

cultivating reverence will be the focus of our time together. in slowing down and creating space to be present, the seemingly mundane thoughts and objects we relate to may reveal themselves to be more powerful and influential than they at first appear. an accumulation of attentive efforts in this direction allow us to take joy in the simple ins and outs of the day. our attention during this time together will be focused in this direction in hopes that we may then call it a “retreat”.


an ongoing monthly course combing through the yoga sūtras of master patañjali one by one - atha in collaboration with tonya ruddick of ashtanga yoga sf and chase bossart. email for more details and with any inquiries.

Understanding Patañjali's Yogasūtra 
The real power of yoga lies not in the strength or vitality it gives the physical body, but rather in the profoundly positive ways it changes every part of our human system.  Yoga's ability to refine the quality of mind, clear negative emotions, create positive habits/behaviors, improve our relationships, and bring forth profound spiritual experiences is even more important than it's many physical benefits. Yoga accomplishes all of this in a straightforward manner that is easy to understand and immensely practical. 

The workshop will endeavor to present foundational concepts of what we are trying to accomplish in Yoga and how to accomplish it.  The workshop is open to all levels and newcomers will find it open and accessible, just as advanced practitioners will find it rich and informative. 

About Chase
Director of the Yoga Well Institute, Chase has been studying Yoga, Sanskrit, eastern philosophy and religion for nearly 30 years. In 1991, as part of a study abroad program in Chennai, India, Chase took a semester long course on Yoga Theory with Mr. TKV Desikachar that essentially set the direction for the rest of his life. He became a private student of Mr. Desikachar's and spent a total of four and a half years in Chennai (from 1991-2012) studying with him, his family and his senior teachers including serving as a teacher at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. He served as Director of Therapy and Education at the non-profit Healing Yoga Foundation in San Francisco from 2006-2012. His depth of knowledge on yoga and meditation are shared through practical, humorous anecdotes that translate to everyday life.